Our Pledge
Premiere Events is a customer-driven business that recognizes the importance of both internal (Team members) and external (customers) stakeholders, and seeks to always act in the best interests of both groups. We contend that Premiere represents our market’s best event rental value and endeavor to live up to that claim. Premiere is people-focused, service driven, and results-oriented. We believe that our success is directly attributable to building and maintaining positive, mutually beneficial customer and team member relationships.
Every Premiere client and customer, and each Premiere team member, is treated with dignity and respect. There is no place in our business model for rude, insulting or disrespectful behavior. We gratefully and willingly serve every member of our community. We make no distinctions among persons based on race, nationality or ethnicity, on religious preference, on political affiliation, on age, on disability or on sexual orientation. We welcome members of the LGBTQIA+ community, as we do all of humankind.
At Premiere, we are appreciative of our team members and of our customers. We strive to express that appreciation in a variety of ways and seek to ensure that neither our Valued Customers nor Team Members are ever taken for granted.
We are, to the maximum extent possible and consistent with sound business practice, accommodating. We strive to be flexible when team members or customers have problems, issues, or unforeseen circumstances. Our customers understand and appreciate that Premiere will go the extra mile for them. That “extra mile” may involve purchasing special inventory, dealing with difficult delivery requirements or set up parameters, locating and recommending external resources to satisfy unusual requests or meet specific needs. Regardless of the challenge, Premiere is committed to finding solutions that help our external customers successfully execute their events.
Excellence is our standard, for individual and company performance. At Premiere, we promise outstanding products and exceptional customer service. Key members of the Premiere Team are professionally certified through the American Rental Association. The Certified Event Rental Professional program is the only rental-specific certification program for those in the party and event rental industry.
Trust is a vital component of all human relationships. Loyal customers stay “true” because their Trust has been earned and maintained over time. Loyal customers believe that a business and its owners, managers, and employees will Do The Right Thing, honor its commitments and stand by its promises. Premiere is grateful to our loyal customers and thankful for their Trust in us.
Premiere’s Team Member relationships are trust-based too. Those who work with us have written guidelines and clear expectations. Team members are free to offer suggestions and provide feedback, knowing that their input is weighed and considered. Our managers and executive team operate with full transparency. No secrets – no surprises.
Finally, customers will bring their business to and keep their business with the company and the people who care about them. Remember . . . “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”. It is not enough to say “we care about the customer”. No business would say otherwise. But concern must be demonstrated, not just talked about. The customer’s problems are our problems, and solving the customer’s problems is an important way to show that we are Caring Professionals. Treating our team members as we would have them treat others is a key component of our success.